
CBS conducts Financial Indicators Expectations Surveys to get a better understanding of the views and expectations of the banking sector, households and firms within the Seychelles’ economy. The survey collects and collates forward-looking information related to prices, monetary variables and real sector indicators over a time horizon spanning 3 months up to 3 years.

Information obtained from the surveys will supplement price statistics and other economic indicators that the Bank currently analyses. Understanding forward-looking information of different variables can enhance policy decisions as well as provide a measure of the general sentiments of the various target groups within the economy.

Survey methodology

The surveys for the banking sector and households are conducted online using Microsoft Forms. The survey with the banking sector takes place every quarter, whilst the exercise with the households will be carried out on a bi-annual basis. To access the structure of the surveys, click here


Note that the results of the surveys represent the expectations of the respondents and in no way reflects the views of the Central Bank of Seychelles.